Providing good food, good education, good clothing, health care, compassionate, loving care and shelter

Providing good food – Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks and Dinner.

Providing good education – Sending them to school through school bus. Providing uniforms, books, foot wears and by giving evening tuition.

Providing good shelter – Provided adequate secure, clean, and comfortable shelter

Providing healthy caring atmosphere - Showing compassionate, love and care a high degree individual attendance and interaction with the children, value each child as unique, individual created by God

Providing good clothing – Clothing like under garments, casual dress, formal dress, uniforms, footwear, and cosmetic items

Teaching discipline life, emotional wellbeing, and spiritual life.

Providing Sports Activity, Music and Cultural Activity.

Vocational Training Centres – Computer Centre, Tailoring Centre.

Providing good health care and dental care.

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